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~ Comments & Testimonials ~

Here are a few things people have to say about Wolf Den Bath & Body Blends...

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"My package arrived. LOVE. Especially the custom blend. I might keep this one and order another bottle for her. YUMMY. Smells so good."
  ~ Linda E.

"I can't say enough about these products! I not only get high-quality products; they are custom-scented with my personal fragrance. More importantly, they are hypoallergenic. I have very dry skin and lots of allergies, so these personal-care products are ideal for me."
  ~ Carol J.

Yay for awesomeness!!!!! I smell like fruit salad thanks to nummy soap... And my skin isn't cracking from having my hands in bleach a ton at work
  ~ Mandy U.

"I wanted to tell you I used your new salve on my lips and on some kind of tender bits and it was very nice, not too mediciny and soothing/healing."
  ~ Annemarie S.

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Soaps, bath salts, bath fizzies, etc. Oil blends, body sprays, lip balm, salves... Signature blends Jewelry, canes, medicine bags, pouches & more Original paintings by Khaos WolfKat Items for the home.. Incense, oils and diffusers, room spray, etc. comments Contact

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